Quantum SCIO

Quantum QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback Device is


-Harmonising and balancing

-Reducing stress, leaving you feeling energised.

If you are feeling Tired and lack ENERGY then-

Quantum Biofeedback is a non-invasive form of therapy designed to correct emotional, mental, spiritual and physical stress by correcting the electrical energy field and bring you back to a healthy balance.

The Quantum QXCI SCIO Biofeedback tests the electrical patterns of your body and shows the energetic state and direction the body is focusing its energy around. It finds the areas that are stressed and then balances them out.  This helps you to feel more energised and healthy.

Every cell of our body (50 Trillion of them) vibrates at a frequency, yes they all carry an electrical charge, even our thoughts and emotions are vibrating at varying frequencies and these too can be picked up during the test.  This is important because our emotions affect our health positively or negatively and some of us don’t realize how important our mental and emotional health is to our physical body.  Holding a negative emotion for a long period definitely affects our health and sometimes we are not even aware of it.  Imagine knowing what negative emotion is holding you back from attaining perfect health!  Well now you can.  A session on the QXCI SCIO can find that negative emotional pattern and replace it with positive healthy patterns such as love and peace. We are also affected by toxins from the environment or our foods etc and these have an adverse affect on us.  We could be absorbing a heavy metal from our environment and not know it or the radiation from our cell phone affecting us more than we realize.  

Wouldn’t it be great to know what is affecting your health!

Now you can find out exactly what it is

  • The QXCI/SCIO TESTS for:
  • Pathogens such as bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites)
  • Postural stress including muscles, facia and nerve communication
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Digestive health
  • Allergens
  • Food sensitivities
  • Organ tissues
  • Toxins
  • Emotional/Stress Factors
  • Dental nosodes
  • Neurotransmitters